Ph.D., The University of Akron
Department of Psychology
(440) 826-2197,
Explore the complexities of the human mind and behavior. Learn why people think, feel and behave as they do. Whether your career interest is in applied psychology (counseling, industrial/organizational, legal, neuropsychology, forensic, sport or school psychology), or in a medical profession, scientific research or in teaching, psychology is a versatile major that will help you understand biological, psychological and social causes of behavior.
Baldwin Wallace's psychology major combines rigorous coursework with extensive research and community engagement opportunities. You'll explore the broad areas of human development, experimental psychology, applied psychology and human relations. Through elective courses, you will then personalize your major to align with your career interests.
Psychology is offered as a major and minor. The coursework provides a theoretical and empirical framework for your studies. You'll progress from learning the basics of psychology to gaining knowledge and skills that will enable you to analyze data, communicate complex information, and understand behavior and mental processes.
Gain Marketable Research Skills
A four-course sequence that includes semester-long courses in statistics, statistical analysis software, research methods and thesis provide an outstanding opportunity to gain advanced research skills. As part of your studies, you'll conduct original research that includes data collection and analysis, scientific writing and oral presentation.
View a full list of courses and course descriptions for the psychology major >
What You'll Learn
BW's psychology major prepares students to:
- Develop ethically and socially responsible behaviors for work in professional settings.
- Gain a meaningful professional direction for life after graduation.
- Become knowledgeable about psychology, both theoretically and empirically, as it relates to human motivation, cognition, psychotherapy, neurophysiology and behavior.
- Interpret, design and conduct psychological research.
- Use scientific reasoning to interpret psychological phenomena.
Affiliated 3+2 Social Work Program Leading to MSW
BW's affiliated social work program enables students to earn a bachelor's degree from BW and a master's degree in social work from Case Western Reserve University in only five years.
Earn Your Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CMHC)
BW’s Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CMHC) offers psychology program graduates an opportunity to earn a master’s degree in 24 months through a full-time cohort program. The CMHC program prepares students to become licensed professional counselors (LPC), working with clients to improve their mental health and well-being. Learn more.
Small class sizes, individual attention and faculty mentoring are central to the psychology program. You'll learn from professors who hold doctorates in their subject areas and have decades of teaching experience.
Student Clubs and Organizations
PSI CHI Chapter (International Honor Society)
Members participate in chapter-sponsored research and service projects. They also travel to conferences to present their research and to build skills in professional development.
Psychology Club
Offering educational, professional and social opportunities, the Psychology Club helps students learn about a range of psychology-based topics and coordinates activities that include guest speakers, field trips and service.
Jacket Philanthropy Program
The BW Jacket Philanthropy Program is a course-based, service-learning program that engages students in volunteerism and the grant-making process. Courses are open to students of all majors, from first-year students to seniors. Courses have been offered in business, English, psychology and sociology.
Graduate-Level Research Opportunities
You'll learn in the classroom, then take that knowledge and apply it in a lab. You'll gain advanced skills and hands-on learning experiences comparable to those of a master's level program.
The quality of research through faculty-student collaboration and student thesis are outstanding. Many BW students have presented their research at professional conferences like the American Psychological Association, the Association for Psychological Science and the Society for Neuroscience. Other students have had their research published in scholarly journals.
At BW, you can participate in faculty-led research as early as your first year. The psychology department has facilities for human and non-human research, including:
Behavioral Science Lab
This lab utilizes animal models to better understand normal and disordered human behavior. Recent studies have focused on anxiety, anorexia, autism and drug addiction. Faculty researcher: Dr. Brian Thomas
Center for Psychological Science
The social, developmental and counseling psychology lab allows for computer research, video recording and the observation of human participants in research rooms equipped with one-way mirrors. Faculty-led projects have included social rejection, self-concept and child research. Faculty researchers: Dr. Stephanie Rothman, Dr. Deb Esty and Dr. Jennifer Perry
Health and Well-being Lab
Using ecological momentary assessment (EMA), the health and well-being lab studies how to sustain well-being in the midst of chronic illness and psychopathology. The research team is currently conducting a study on the emotional benefits of health behaviors (e.g., eating fruits and vegetables, physical exercise) for adults with depressive and anxiety disorders. Faculty researcher: Dr. David Disabato
Internships and Field Experiences
BW partners with several organizations to provide psychology students with opportunities for internships, clinical field experiences and off-campus research. National and regional placement sites for students include research labs, hospitals, counseling and therapy facilities, nonprofit and community agencies, personnel offices and education centers.
Psychology Speaker Series
Harrington Lecture Series
The Harrington Visiting Professor series offers annual presentations by national and international experts. Past speakers have included Drs. Philip Zimbardo, Albert Bandura, Elizabeth Loftus, Walter Mischel, Anthony Marsella (BW alumnus), Robert Sternberg, David Buss, Daniel Schacter, Robert Sapolsky, Carol Tavris and Roy Baumeister, among others. Recent topics have included:
- Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People
- Addiction: A Problem of Motivation, Free Will, or Self-Destructive Behavior?
- Talking Up, Talking Down: The Power of Positive Speaking
- How Mind and Brain Enable Self-Control
The Harrington Colloquium series offers monthly presentations by regional experts. Past speakers have included: Dr. Sandra Russ (CWRU), Dr. Eric Geyer (Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital), Dr. John Gunstad (KSU) and Dr. Frederick Frese (NEOUCOM). Recent topics have included:
- Myth and Truths of Forensic Psychology
- Recovery: Myths, Mountains and Miracles
- Christmas Cookies and Alzheimer's Disease: How Obesity Hurts the Brain
- ADHD Across the Lifespan
- Creativity in Children and Adults
Full-Time Faculty
Deb Esty
Chair, Psychology Department
Ph.D., The University of Akron
David Disabato
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., George Mason University
Andrea Graves
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Capella University
Nancy Gussett
Associate Professor
Ph.D., The University of Akron
Charles Levin
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago
Jennifer Perry
Ph.D., University of Oklahoma
Stephanie Rothman
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Kentucky
Brian Thomas
Ph.D., Texas Christian University